Wednesday 26 September 2012

Dymewood Friends - Computer DCC Team

Computer DCC Team

A group of us have been building and exhibiting a demonstration layout showing the principles of DCC control and Computer Control of DCC layouts. We have been lucky enough to have been invited 3 times to Warley and have made many friends there and learned so much about the wider DCC world.

The Motley Crew on opening day at Warley, ready to face the public; Richard, Bernie, me Steve C, David, Steve D, Malcolm. We also have a new team member Darren not on photo - great bunch of very knowledgeable guys.
If you let them at the public they will entertain them all day! 

Me doing the stand up stuff - they seem entertained anyway! ( or is it just the queue for the toilet and cafe?)

Back at the ranch - the Computer DCC Demo layout ready for some further wiring work...

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