Monday 24 September 2012

In the beginning

Welcome to my blog site dedicated to all the "free time" that an early retirement gave me and that lead to the construction of a 00 model railway layout called Dymewood.

This blog is set up in order to share my progress, mistakes, learnings and problems as I went along.
It will primarily contain photo's with comments.
Please enjoy.....

In the beginning..........

Agreed space in the garden to build a log cabin to house my new layout - now to prepare the ground and lay some foundations...

Phew! a lot of work and also in a hurry the cabin is due for delivery!........

Well the cabin has arrived - looking a bit different than I expected!

Well, lots of head scratching, cups of tea and we are underway!.......

A few days later, plenty of sweat and it is looking ok! Big thanks to my brother-in-law David for all his help on the building.
Now I can get inside and start building my model railway.......

The most thanks go to my gorgeous wife Cathy for allowing me to really 
get into my new hobby!

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