Wednesday 26 September 2012

Dymewood Friends - Computer DCC Team

Computer DCC Team

A group of us have been building and exhibiting a demonstration layout showing the principles of DCC control and Computer Control of DCC layouts. We have been lucky enough to have been invited 3 times to Warley and have made many friends there and learned so much about the wider DCC world.

The Motley Crew on opening day at Warley, ready to face the public; Richard, Bernie, me Steve C, David, Steve D, Malcolm. We also have a new team member Darren not on photo - great bunch of very knowledgeable guys.
If you let them at the public they will entertain them all day! 

Me doing the stand up stuff - they seem entertained anyway! ( or is it just the queue for the toilet and cafe?)

Back at the ranch - the Computer DCC Demo layout ready for some further wiring work...

Dymewood Friends at McKinley Railway

A very big thank you to all my friends at McKinley Railway - you know who you are!
We all meet once a month to operate a very large computer controlled 00 layout thanks to David Townend who created this brilliant experience for us all.

Ever since I met David and saw his layout I have been spending money! - thanks so much David!  It really is something to aspire to...

We spend most of our time operating but just on occasions have to look underneath!

Who was it said... "DCC - it's only two wires!"

Take a look on Youtube or our Website for further info

Dymewood Friends Poole MRC

Living on the Hampshire Dorset border I had to choose a Model railway Club to get involved with, I have to say that the guys at Poole MRC have been a blessing over the past 4 years, they have advised, helped and sometimes guided me away from doing the wrong things! Big thanks to all of them.

We meet on three evening a week, that alone says something about the enthusiasm at the club. We are currently building two club layouts and to get me away from 00 - I am helping on the N gauge British outline layout...

There is lots of sceneic work to complete, whilst allowing members to run trains on most evenings too!

Monday 24 September 2012

Dymewood II - project modular layout

Dymewood II - Project Modular Layout.

When you have spent over 4 years building a model railway layout and a few £'s too! - it comes as a shock to think of moving house and suddenly realizing that you can't move the layout without substantial damage. 
Dymewood II is an experimental project designed to produce the right format of baseboard construction to allow a layout to be moved easily to another location.
I have set myself a number of goals:

Desired Outcomes:
1. Modular system capable of being dismantled and moved! (could fit any room size with minimum additional changes).
2. A number of basic 4ft sections capable of being taken to exhibition! (challenge to build a second time – with all learnings and create higher degree of quality).
3. Challenge to build with all operational wiring and “electronic” kit above board! (looking ahead to old age!)
4. 3 Level Operations, lower storage, middle main scenic board and upper scenic level to add more interest. Top level for storage/lighting etc.
5. Potential need for “slick” helix system to reach 3 levels.

Following a search for suitable guidance on the above, I came across a Blog site for a 00 model railway by a guy called Chris Jones. Chris had the same desire, mainly due to pending house moves and job changes. The way he approached the building process was for me "inspirational". He has had two articles published in the Hornby Magazine which set out the main progress to date.
Here is the website:

Starting the build What follows is my own attempt to replicate what Chris has done  for the main framework (I will pay him some royalties at a later date!);

Now let's get a few more modules made...

Cathy, my wife looked in the garage yesterday and said "Oh my God, we have a bunk house in the garage !"-  no comment!

Dymewood 2012 Electronics and Mimic Boards Plus Driver Training at Swanage

A selection of photographs of Dymewood progress during 2012....

Electronics can be frightening and off putting but DCC is just two wires!!!

Basic DCC system is based on Digitrax with the support of CML products.

Occupancy is driven via Digitrax BDL168 units

Point control is via Digitrax DS64 units operating 4 motors each.

Point control and |Route setting can also be operated via 3 mimic boards one at each of 3 operating positions on the layout. They are driven by CML products - DTM30 Towermaster units.

This mimic board also controls the lower level storage areas as well as part of the main operating level.

This small mimic board is positioned at the Terminus Station point but also controls lower Goods Yard shunting areas.

Dymewood has 3 magnetic boards which show schematics of stations, yards and hidden loops. these help operators communicate the movements and positions of loco's and trains using small magnetic tape noted with loco roster numbers and also train types/lengths.

Took some time out from building layout this year to do some real driving!

Yes a great day Driver Training at Swanage

Everyone outside it wet through, I am toasty warm in the cab!

Must do this again, and again, and again......

Dymewood 2011

Here are shots of progress on Dymewood during 2011....

Dymewood 2010

Selection of photos to show progress in 2010..